I am on a mission to help people find a direction to walk towards. To lead a life where their strengths are maximised and they follow through on their aspirations. A life that they can be proud of which gives them a feeling of purpose and inner peace.
One of my favourite interests is diving deep into a conversation with people who are willing to share their journeys.
Eager to discover how ordinary people push the boundaries in order to pursue their dreams. The goal is to explore the common links between these successful people and how they are thriving their chosen field.
I am a Professional Cricketer, working towards one day living my dream of representing my country.
The journey so far has come with its ups and downs, twists and turns, perseverance and decisions that have got me to where I am today. Which is currently playing for the Wellington Firebirds in New Zealand and the Netherlands National team.
I have a keen interest in personal well-being, in particular understanding that you are a person first and not judged on what you do.
I use a tool I created called My CAKE, which helps you understand My Why (why you do what you do), My Strengths (who you are as a person), My Goals (setting a direction of where you want to go), My Success (how are you going to get there, ‘the process’), My Service (what are you going to do to give back), My Mantra (a statement that is personal to you), Inspirational Quote (gives you the feeling of motivation), #Characterfirst (the key ingredient).
In order to be able to follow through on your aspirations, build resilience and gain the feeling of purpose and inner peace. I believe you need to create and understand the ingredients to your Cake. The outcomes and extrinsic rewards are just the ‘icing’ ‘sprinkles’ on top of the Cake, which will come and go but are not who you are as a person. It is what’s inside that counts, in which people will ultimately judge you on.
Since using the My CAKE tool, I feel I understand myself better, more resilient and content with the direction my life is heading. It’s given me more capacity to add value to a team environment and help people discover their own recipe for success.
Join me on my quest to discover the right recipe, where I feel I am adding value in all areas of life, ways to improve health, relationships and career. That looks different for everyone, so I have started this journey of helping people follow through, to help people to maximise their time and energy towards improving their lives.